This section is dedicated to projects that have captured my heart and mind. They are listed and shown in roughly chronological order. Some are still in progress. I have infinite gratitude for all the helpers, mentors, and fellow creators who have influenced and inspired me to no end. These projects would not be what they are without all the help and influence other designers, artists, and builders have had on me continuously, starting with my favorite artist: MY MOM! (experience a small taste of her work here:
(Click on image below to jump link to project web site)
(Click on image below to jump link to project web site) *New URL: Web site address change: (not .org)
(Click on image below to jump link to project web site)
The Acorn Love Nutrition Project
Some of My Art Creations:
The Big Picture: I think life on Earth will last at least another decade or three, and my longterm life goals include doing my part to add to the incredible magic we are creating in our small community of the Madesi Valley. We are working on establishing our own version of “getting back to the commons.” Big Bend is becoming an unprecedented center of a non-profit, community-owned, shared-commons legacy that i have been helping to establish for more than a decade. We currently have two local unencumbered 501(c)(3) community-oriented and community-run, land-based non-profit projects (BBCLT & RGS) that multiple community members have helped start, that are operating in sustainable patterns.
Building Community: This kind of self-sufficient locally-controlled non-profit small community project is what I would like to spend as much of my available time and energy and resources as possible on, in the immediate future. I believe that these investments in our community are creating a template that is increasingly valuable and transferrable to other small low-income rural communities. These unconventional “investments” will benefit the present and the future, way beyond our lifetimes! Please… BRING BACK THE COMMONS!!